Finding a way

... when there is no way ...

Dear friends,

As we stagger through the summer heat we thank God for all he has been doing at and through Arapohue Retreat. Our tiny team are pressed on every side, but not crushed.

The restoration of the lovely people that come for refuge from life's storms are the biggest encouragement we could have. They are so grateful and so much fun to have around (mostly lol). They make the struggle all worthwhile...

Ray, Jan and the team

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We are currently working with 5 residential guests who participate in three days of work therapy (in the gardens or grounds) and two days of video teaching and private 1-on-1 inner healing prayer ministry plus rest, reading and recreation.

We took two of the guests to Pahi, a lovely inlet on the Kaipara Harbour. They enjoyed cracking manus (bombs) from the new pontoon.

This week we are taking three guests to the Northland Leaders Gathering in Moerewa to hear Len Buttner speaking.

Special welcome to Darryl who has just joined us in the Cottage.

Lodge ceiling

What a privilege it was to have a call from Gary Codlin from New Plymouth who we had previously met when he was a pastor at the Whangarei Salvation Army Recovery Church years ago. He offered to give us a week of building help.

On one of the days he brought two friends over from Whangarei, David and Phil to help him uplift the gib sheets to the Lodge lounge ceiling. He was helped by our two guests, Lucas and James.

The timing was perfect because the ceiling will now be finished just before the new roof goes on later this month.

He also built the framing and clear-lite to close in the Korowai Cabin front porch.

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Homesteading and health

We are enjoying the fruits of our labours in the garden and teaching the guests some great homesteading tips.

Beetroot canning, making sauerkraut and dehydrating produce (tomatoes and apples).

Our lovely Ruawai friend Ellie Tadema is teaching us how to make natural herbal remedies to boost our immune systems and fermented foods (sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar). The garden to table system is working like a dream. Our guests get to 'taste and see that the Lord is good'.

We love gathering together at the table at the end of a busy day, enjoying the wholesome meals, great company and lots of laughs. For some, just sitting at the table for a meal is a first... and it's not uncommon for some to have been living on junk food for 20+ years.

A huge thank you to Etha Taylor of Ruawai Plants for the best veggies and flowers in the west.

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Urgent needs





Carters fees for timber, framing, clear lite, nails & screws, gib-fix for Lodge and Korowai Cabin

Vehicle expenses (repairs, WOF's, tyres, services, rego's)

Audit fee for auditing 2024 accounts

February mortgage interest bill (overdue)


Accountant's fees


Mortgage repayment in full

Donations to:
Wild Side Charitable Trust: 12-3098-0013945-00
Ref: (project)

Email to let Jan know so she can thank you and send the tax-deductible receipt at the end of the financial year.

Please note we don't receive any government funding, all volunteers are unpaid and we rely purely on donations to keep Arapohue Retreat running. Many thanks.

These bestselling Kiwi books are available at your Christian bookstore.

Thanks to our partners

Your ongoing support means we can continue to work with people who are struggling.

You play a VIP role in providing a place where people's lives can be restored by God. We can't do it without you.

Kind regards and many thanks,
Ray & Jan Curle on behalf of the Arapohue Retreat & WSCT team

574 Hoyle Rd, Arapohue 0374
Wild Side Charitable Trust Registration No. CC55065
p. 027 254 6778  |  |